1. 我是錯的,而所有高學歷高職位女生來信指正我,讓我可以學多一樣東西。
2. 我的說法是對的,因而幫助了很多有這種錯誤想法的人,馬上改正過來,運勢馬上變好,我可以幫到大家。
Hi Master,
I have just listened to your podcast last weekend and I have a few thoughts I would like to share.
First, having high education doesn’t make everyone in this category superior in terms of finding the ‘right guy’.
It really depends on a lot of other things like personality, looks, communication skills, etc.
I have a friend who is a medical specialist but have never had a relationship (now she is 40).
She is not ugly but she has shocking interpersonal skills properly due to her upbringing by her parents.
It is sad. She said at her age she is not looking for single guys as if guys at this age and they are still single there must be something wrong with him (what about her?!).
So now she is waiting for people to get divorced and wait to meet divorcée. She is so abnormal and no wonder why she is still single。
Second, having high education may be a negative to meet the ‘right guy’.
I am a medical specialist as well. When I was in medical school my friend introduced me to some of her friends.
Initially the guys seems quite interested to talk to me but when they asked what I studied they all took a step back, yes, virtually physically took a step back (we were standing when we talked).
當然,也有可能自己覺得是 blue blood 而不屑去做這些,也是另外一個問題。
Then the conversation ended. I find a lot of guys are put off with getting to know high education girls.
很簡單,一個小學畢業的女生,你和她去街,你幫她叫 Uber 她有可能已經覺得你很了不起了,因為她自己也不懂用,也未坐過。
I myself didn’t have a relationship until 27. Study and work was overwhelming. I remember when I was intern I had to work 21 days without a day off.
Anyone outside the medical field might not understand. So everyday is work sleep then more work. Night shifts are even worse, there is no personal life. 7 days on 7 days off 13 hours shift and sleep during the day. However, I did met my current partner during night shift and we have been together for 13 years.
That’s come to my next point. Even with high education, the chance of meeting the ‘right guy’ depends on where you work and the type of people you are exposed to.
For example a doctor working in the hospital can meet people from other medical fields.
The nature of junior doctors rosters are usually a change in department every 3 months.
So we get to meet a lot of new people. A lot of my colleagues although are married to other doctors, but many are married to nurses, physiotherapist, pharmacist etc.
Where as if you run a private clinic and all you see every day are your patients and your receptionist the chance of meeting the right person will be less. It’s not ethical to date patients so patient are out.
So in summary, having high education itself does not make you stand out from the crowd. There are other very important qualities one show consider having to find the ‘right guy’.
I would like to hear what you think, Master. Sorry email is a bit long.
龍震天 - 玄學家 / 作家
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